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Wed 2023-10-25 Doheny 2ft waves

Decent. Infrequent 1-2 ft waves, high tide. Caught 5-6 waves in one hour. Cloudy day, maybe even a little drizzle early in the morning. Experienced surfers were complaining about poor conditions. At the beginning, I caught a good green wave, I think. That was exciting! After about 50 min, I decided to don a mask and snorkel and look for the GoPro I lost on Friday. Visibility was terrible, only a 2-3 feet and it was high tide. I had brought my old mask and snorkel because I didn't want to lose my good ones, so I kept getting water in my mask and through my nose. Mask also kept fogging up, making the visibility even worse. I looked for like a good 30 mins but no luck. It was also dangerous because I was close to the surface and surfers could crash into me. Maybe if I had diving gear and could go deeper. I should give up though, for my own peace of mind. A kind lady surfer started a conversation with me and she shared that she lost an 800$ Apple watch once while surfing. That made me

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